Friday 23 October 2020

Day 46 - Friday 23rd October - Loch Ba and east Mull

 A day of showers was forecast so we looked for easy walks not too far away. We hit on a walk through the Ben More estate towards Glen Glen Clachaig. This was on a level though fairly rough underfoot estate 4x4 track. The views across the Loch were beautiful in the autumn sunlight. Our attempt at going up Glen Clachaig was brought to a sudden end by a heavy shower, so we retreated to the MH.

Had lunch at the closed Killiechronan campsite, overlooking Loch Na Keal. Saw a curlew poking around on the shore as well as the obligatory heron, and some birds of prey wheeled overhead for a couple of minutes. Not sure if they were buzzards or sea eagles - I think eagles though.

We then drove north around the coast road, calling in to Ulva Ferry on the way. It wasn't clear whether it was still working, outside the 2x a day residents trips, so more research needed. We carried on north around the coast road, which was a bit scary at times, and stopped for a brief walk on the beach at Calgary. The beach faces west and 

would be a great place to watch the sunset, but we wanted to get back before dark so moved on. There's a community sponsored camping spot by the beach, but the posts were too close together for our expanded MH. Could have got in with the old van!

We cut back to Salen from Dervaig on the cross country road, which was quicker than following the road to Tobermory - it was quite straight in places!

1 comment:

  1. You definitely could have got into the Calgary beach "official wild camping" area in your Adria Twin. We stayed there when we were on Mull.
