Tuesday 13 October 2020

Day 36 - Tuesday 13th October - Glenbrittle

 Sunshine ! North Easterly wind -cold

Couldn't find the Ashaig beach on the other side of the road on  early morning jog,  put off from crossing a field to explore little Breakish further by sign saying bull grazing.. We opted to visit the fairy pools at Glenbrittle , a cascade of small waterfalls with an impressive back drop ( the ominous looking Black Cuillins  mountain range).

£8 for a MH to park,  but all the money goes to developing the site to cope with the vast number of visitors. We decided to do a 10k walk taking in the fairy Pools and then doing a circuit at the foot of the mountains. By the time we arrived there were many families making their way up the track to the pools, the biggest crowds we have encountered on our journey: it felt more like Covid Pools than Fairy Pools. I took Andy's advice and tried to walk upwind of people as I passed the multitudes,

We found a woman swimming in one of the crystal clear pools in her wet suit, most impressive. I crossed the stream and boulder stepping stones with some considerable encouragement from Andy and took a lot of photos climbing past the pools. We turned left once we got to the scree at the base of the mountain and picked our way along a narrow stony track , which eventually joined up with the Sligachan to Glenbrittle path down to the car park.  Many peaty boggy streams to walk through and cross but I grew in confidence. We called in at Glenbrittle campsite for coffee and muffins on the way home, marvelled at their  renovations and upmarket prices  (£32 per night for a MH with EHU). We last stayed there together 37 years ago when Andy and I were  just getting to know each other. Andy, Roger Haworth and Dermot Short went climbing  and stayed there after this using  Rogers 1300S Metro! 

We called in at pretty Carbost, as the sun set, sadly for Andy the  Talisker distillery shop was closed, and made our way home in the dark. A fabulous day out.

1 comment:

  1. I've had many memorable exploits based at Glenbrittle campsite. Amongst others at least two failed attempts on the whole Cuillin Main Ridge. Also on one occasion had to pack up and go home after my tent was blown down. Roger.
