Thursday 8 October 2020

Day 31 - Thurs 8th October 2020 - Gairloch

We got up late having both had a disturbed night, partly down to following the US VP debate via the Guardian online. It's so frightening, the possibility of another Trump victory.

Sb started well with another early morning run, but not much beach owing to the tide, so partly round the camp site (which is extensive and situated on grassy areas in the dunes here). We packed up to go after breakfast and drove round to Poolewe and Inverewe Gardens, a fantastic sub-tropical garden on a peninsula in Loch Ewe. Free wandering was banned and a one way system in place because of COVID, but it covered the whole garden. We walked around twice, the first in a downpour that we had seen coming. We were really glad we had taken umbrellas! This was a place Andy's mum loved, and where we scattered her ashes ten years ago. We couldn't get to the exact spot because of the restrictions on certain paths, but it was still very lovely to be there. It is a fantastic garden with a wonderful variety of plants.

We had some lunch and then set off on a 12k circular walk around Loch Kernsay. The first half of the walk was challenging - it qualified as 'two boots' in the Scottish walk categorisation - medium difficulty, and featured some rocky and wet sections. Sb's new boots performed well though and she arrived home with dry feet. There were spectacular views over towards Beinn Eighe and the other Torridon peaks, sometimes shrouded in cloud and sometimes clear. The second half of the walk was easy on tracks and finished with a lovely stretch beside the River Ewe as it cascades from Loch Maree to the sea.

Just missed the next heavy shower which happened as we drove back to the camp site, just before nightfall, for a stir fry.

PS The engine warning light in the MH went out today (see day 3) and it started telling Andy when to change gear again ... puzzling!

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