Friday 30 October 2020

Day 53 = Friday 30th October - Homeward bound

Went for a coffee and a last walk on the beach at Findhorn before we left. There was a lone K1 sailor out in the bay with no apparent safety cover.

Llyn Brenig could do with one of these!

The satnav took us down the M90 from Perth and over the Edinburgh side of the country for some reason, then across the new Forth Bridge. Seemed longer than the usual route down the A9 via Stirling!

Drove 268 miles to the other end of Scotland, Hoddon Castle Caravan Park near Ecclefechan. Very glad to get here - it's a slightly shorter hop home tomorrow, with heavy rain and high winds forecast.


Thursday 29 October 2020

Day 52 - Thursday 29th October - Forres and Burghead

Had a look around Forres after breakfast, then went for a bike ride on the Dava Trail. It's a disused railway line but the section we picked  was an uphill slog for Sraddhabha  and diverts off the straight and narrow and eventually became too bumpy with tree roots, so we gave up, and did a 7 mile there and back ride . We then went to have a look at Burghead, mainly to try and identify what the massive building we had been seeing on the eastern horizon was. Turns out it's a grain processing plan with huge silos operated by Diageo - major alcohol producer. We passed another massive plant on the way to Burghead.  Burghead is very tidily laid out on a grid, with a well protected harbour occupied by quite a few fishing boats. No sign of leisure sailing. Three people  with cameras and binoculars had spotted a minke whale and were tracking it until it got too wet to be comfortable  

On the way back to Findhorn we walked around one of the marked trails in the Roseisle Forest, increasing rain as darkness fell.

Dava Trail

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Day 51 - Wednesday 28th October - Cawdor

Andy ran (13k - Moray Coast path) and Sraddhabha walked and cycled around Findhorn. Andy saw a lot of segulls busy with something out at sea - corpse of a seal or whale perhaps? And the pill boxes from the previous day's walk were now mostly submerged.

 Then we drove to Cawdor Castle and walked in the autumnal splendour of the woodland there.

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Day 50 - Tuesday 27th October - Findhorn

Beautiful sunshine this morning, so we biked and walked into the village, had a coffee, a walk on the beach and home again. After some lunch we had a long bike ride and walk along the Moray Coast Trail and then back along the beach east of Findhorn. Got back to the MH just as the forecast rain set in, so pretty good timing. Hopefully it will be dry again tomorrow!