Wednesday 9 September 2020

Scotland COVID-19 staycation Day 1

Packed the kitchen sink and set off for the Lake District first stop - a wet campsite in Coniston. Tricky finding somewhere flat that the MH wouldn't sink into!

Evening walk towards Torver, along the water's edge, Brantwood John Ruskin philanthropist's last house across the lake.  


  1. Great to find out that you're on your way at last. Keep up the blogging!

  2. It's been tricky, no signal anywhere in the Hebrides! I tried to catch up a bit in a cafe yesterday, but there's a lot to add.

  3. And cafes feel a bit unsafe even though there have been no cases in Uist so far.

  4. Just read your entries of trip sofar. Looks stunning. Feeling slightly damp reading it though! Hope rest of trip continues to be beautiful and dry! Xxx
