Saturday 28 May 2022

Saturday 28th May 2022 Lac de St Etienne

 Large lake with lots of inlets. Very shady Aire 5 minutes walk  away from the nearest beach. Struggled to get past the barrier to the aire until a friendly French woman (in a MH) phoned the number provided for us and got the barrier lifted;  both French and English vans suffered the same problem over the weekend.

Walking round to Renac where the second beach is, 30 mins walk along an undulating forest path, across a steel Himalayan style rope bridge. 

Lots of watersports available 

The bridge swayed in the middle

We tried a walk around a peninsula of the lake but got lost once we ran out of path, couldn't access satellite, wandered up and down the road for a while and discovered that the Sentier de St Etienne signs had smaller print beneath the sign explaining that the road/path  was yet to  be constructed! So we walked back the way we came. I apologised to Andy for my grumpiness.

Our cafe on the beach at La Espinet beach was delightful with cold showers on the side and a ready supply of Smartie ice creams and cold beer.

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