Friday 27 May 2022

Friday 27th May Rocamadour to Lac de Sainte Etienne


Got up at 8am after a peaceful night and walked 20 minutes from the campsite to Rocamadour, the most visited hill top village in France. Wanted to visit before the tourist coaches arrived. Famous for its walnut wood black Virgin Mary. Shops at ground level, sanctuaries at first level and chateau at top level. We
climbed up the steps rather than take the 5€ each lift.

Pretty stunning in the morning sunlight

Ground level  gateway  to the village, and specialities of the area 

Church built into the rock face 

Next to Chappelle Notre dame where the walnut wood Black Madonna  resides, all is in darkness. There was a choir practice in the small chapel so the figurine was not seen 

The stations of the cross according to St James were clearly depicted leading up to the church entry

Laying of the body in a cave 


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