Wednesday 18 May 2022

Wednesday 18 May Lac du St Cyr and Futuroscope Theme park

Successful morning Sup boarding  for Andy and swimming for both of us

Dynamique Eau-  a theme park ride at Futuroscope 10k from our Aire half price after 5 pm

Even the toilets have a theme 

And the sinks , spooky 

Kinema showing iMax version of Thomas Pescaux , youngest spaceman on the International Space station, film 20 mins long, I watched it twice, wonderful. He took his saxophone with him.

Asterix very tall  fun slides inside this building, which we left to the young ones.

Water boats with squirter guns at front and back and sprayed with fountains periodically

Young children's play area

Liked the shape of whatever this is

The nightly light show The Cle of Songe, the audience, all teenagers knew just what to do 

A pleasant long day, relaxing by the lake during the day and visiting Futuroscope  third biggest theme park in France dedicated to all things futuristic in the evening. I persuaded Andy to take me. My thrill seeking side functions at a 6 year old level. I enjoyed the Rabbid Rabbits train ride with a seat which dropped down but not away altogether.

Sunsets over the park 
More children's play area 

The finale of the show, we got back to the Aire for midnight 

We will miss this beautiful lake and camping Aire when we leave tomorrow  - 13 € per night 

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