Tuesday 26 October 2021

Tuesday 26 October Bilbao Guggenheim. Big Day out

Camped at the only motorhome camping spot in Bilbao, Altamira, for two nights, twenty four hours each night from when u book in. The MH park is high on the hills overlooking Bilbao spread out  in the valley below, there is EHU, toilets, waste and water services and a shower if you wanted to walk 15 mins  down  a very steep hill and back up again, an arrangement with a local hostel. Cows grazed in the park next door to us.

We caught

the 58 Bilbobus just down the road from the  campsite entrance (1.35 pp) and changed to a tram at Bastura ( tren) , you pay for your ticket in a machine at the tram stop with a card  and get it stamped before you board.This took us to the Guggenheim. Everyone is very mask conscious  in public places both in and outside.

The Guggenheim had a permanent exhibition of iron landscapes  by Richard Serra on the ground floor and on the first floor terrace  and  2 temporary 

exhibitions on, one of Alice Neel painter of the dispossessed and disenfranchised , honest about women's bodies at a time this was frowned on TV from NY, she paints with great empathy compassion and really gets the points across, we are all human

The second exhibition was women in abstraction and it was fabulous, over 600 exhibits of women's work and stories of how hard they had to struggle to be exhibited at all (Lee Krasner, Jackson Pollock's wife was an established artist when she met Pollock and his greatest supporter;  a male  critic on seeing her work for the first time, said I would never have known this was a woman artist). I was very inspired by the photographers Florence Henri and Barbara Karsten. Interesting to see Yoko Ono exhibited , painted as part of a public performance, Japanese    characters in black in the middle of a white board, Hichiko Happo (2014)  her performance art. 

The top tier is another 

permanent exhibition of which Kilmer  and his messages that we are all connected in the cosmos are my favourite 

The pintxos at the bar were tasty.

We decided to go back to the motorhome as we were too tired to go the museo  de

  bellas artes 

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