Wednesday 20 October 2021

Wednesday 20 October - Evora

 We got a taxi from the camp site in to Evora city centre. After a coffee we went to the Chapel of Bones, completely lined with skulls and thigh bones set in cement around the walls. Very moving, we are but dust. The plaque above the doorway reads 'We bones that are here for yours await'

Another coffee in the beautiful gardens, with peacocks and a palace

, and then we walked back up the hill in the town to visit the Se cathedral, with a very unusual 15 th century statue of the  pregnant Virgin Mary , unique in the whole of Portugal 

the ruins of the Roman Temple of Diana (only it wasn't) and then the town museums. Some great photos in one exhibition in the modern art gallery, of dolmens from around Europe.

Walked back to the camp site, passed washing  hung out of windows , hot and tired.

Photos to follow..


  1. Hi A and S, We're looking forward to hearing how you got on at Evora and beyond. R and A

  2. The trouble is that we have been watching Ozark on Netflix, which is rivetting!!

  3. What is Ozark? I'll look it up on the web!
