Sunday 20 October 2019

Day 31 Sunday 20 October Syracuse and Ortygia
Disaster struck at the grey water disposal drain at camping Sabbiadore , we clipped the retractor  van step on a raised  concrete lip , and damaged it irreparably. We enjoyed the views from our terrace , and the sandy left hand side  of the beach, good swimming.
We drove onto a Sosta campo car park site near the Anfiteatro in Syracuse, a field with lots of overhanging trees , no services ,with a man at a plastic table at the entrance taking our money and we were  waved onto the site from the middle of the  road .We  walked 10 minutes to the local supermarket to stock up on provisions. Then we walked 5 minutes up the road and visited the Greek and Roman anfiteatros .The Greek amphitheatre is the biggest in the Roman world and hewn from rock . Very impressive .The Roman anfiteatro much smaller , in ruins more verdant and overgrown.
After a quick lunch back at the van due to already swarming mosquitoes ( becoming v uneasy about staying here tonight ) it was very hot and  we caught a taxi into Ortigyia the old town,a scandalous €15 for a mile and wandered around the beautiful square with cathedrals and churches in a splendid  Baroque style before finding a cool cafe overlooking the harbour to enjoy granite limone and almond and chat to the young friendly guys running it.
Andy wanted a break from the churches so we headed for the Norman fort at the harbour entrance where Fred 11 defeated the mighty Athens invading fleet.
A very minimalist fortress , no living quarters , and it's streamlined simplicity was a  relief after the elaborate ornateness of Baroque .We walked back through Ortygia's old Jewish quarter , lovely . Unable to locate the bus stop back to Syracuse across the bridge, we walked back to the site very weary after a full day of sight seeing.The mosquitoes were waiting  and we decided to drive on to a campsite by the sea in hopes of a breeze and fewer mosquitoes .
Andy braved the busy Sunday evening  motorway in the dark  , mystifiyingly , no ticket was issued at the entrance but after much emphatic explanation aimed  at the exit  barrier microphone, we were charged €2  .
We camped at La Focetta Sicula highly recommended by trip advisor.

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