Thursday 3 October 2019

Day 15 Thursday 3 October Rappolano Terme

Day 15 Thursday 3 October

 We set off just before lunch. About an hour from the hilltop town , on the autostrada heading south, we came across a thermal baths called Rappolano Terme and was lured into spending a very Roman afternoon sampling the delights of the 3 huge natural springs pools , 13€ entry , the coolest one was 34 , the hottest was 40 .Only slightly sulferous odour , a real find on a cool cloudy day and a fascinating slice of Italian life , the overnight  Sosta (10€ ) was full of Italian vans come to sample the waters .We stayed the night having swum and relaxed and watched Italians lounging and chatting in the pools , very sociable . The great thing about van life  is you can go somewhere on a whim ..A memorable visit , wrinkly finger tips, very relaxed ! (NB No photos available yet to post up, missing from 1-5 October)

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