Tuesday 1 October 2019

Day 13 Tuesday 1 October Venezia Contemp Art Biennale 2019

Day 13 Tuesday 1 October Up at 7 , waiting in the ticket queue at Guardini a park 15 minutes walk east along the waterfront of the Venice Lagoon by 9.50 am .Tickets to the Venezia Biennale Contemporary Art Exhibition, exhibitors from all over the world, cost £20 each for a ticket for one day which covered two main sites Giardini and Arsenale .Each country had its own pavillion , Lithuania won the Biennale prize this year ,a beach filled with opera singing tourists constructed in an old military warehouse , held in Gaudicca an island a short ferry ride away ( only performances on Wed and Sat so we missed this) I can't think of enough superlatives to describe the range of art we saw , heard and experienced .Stunning and mind blowing don't come near. They threw us out at 6 pm. Getting used to cycling back from the ferry to the campsite in the dark with no lights The next Biennale will be held April to October 2021, if up to it ,I'll be back. A wonderful day ,very moving theme .

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