Tuesday 14 June 2022

Tuesday 14 June - Huttopia, a day at the Campsite in the Gorges de Verdon

Not feeling well today , so we have agreed a day at the Gorges de Verdon Campsite. We have paid extra for an expensive riverside pitch for two nights and it's very soothing to hear and see the sparkling shallow  rushing water flow past, v strong current in the deepest part.  I swam in the campsite unheated  pool and then  went for an ICY cold dip in the river pool area, only wet suit gloves helped the strong finger aches in the green waters. 

A contented afternoon catching up on correspondence and reading in the shade The limestone cliffs on the other side of the Verdon are very attractive to young boys clambering up them and hurling themselves in the deepest parts as we watch open - mouthed, hoping they don't connect with any submerged rocks. 

Amazing  limestone strata

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