Saturday 4 June 2022

Saturday 4 June 2022 Gorges du Tarn to Cevenne National park - Mas de la Cam campsite near St Jean de Gard

Another cockerel woke us at 4.50 am and was persistent, so neither of us got back to sleep We went for an early morning dip in the river before the sun rose in the valley, v brave of Andy as it was pretty cool without a shortie wet suit on.

We walked up the hill behind the campsite in the direction of the  ruined castle de Peyrelade but we were thwarted by closed off gates on the path warning us of falling rocks.

We gave up, turned back and left the campsite at 10.30 am.We drove through the simply amazing Gorges du Tarn, 56 k long, we didn't stop to take photos as we wanted to get through the overhangs encountering the minimum of traffic coming the other way. We camped for two nights at a very clean Dutch run campsite in the beautiful Cevenne mountains with a big deep  swimming pool. It had a very slow river running at the bottom of the site, but was very spacious with lots of green play areas and views of forested hills

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