Sunday 5 June 2022

Sunday 5 June 2022 St Jean de Gard

I took my life in my hands today and ventured out on the electric bike, with Andy's gentle encouragement , onto the busy fast road between the campsite and our  nearest town 3k where we were tempted by the idea of the silk workers museum and the the history of the Cevenne region and the local support of the oppressed French Hugenots in the region. Very fitting for the Queen's Jubilee Sunday in the UK. We saw a free band called Cedrico in the grounds of the museum, the musicians were good but the singer less so and it was so hot, we had to keep moving chairs to find any shade. We made it back in one piece and had a final dip in the pool. Interesting that so many Dutch people visit here, is it because of the Hugenot connection I wonder 

The history of the Cevenne peoples  hard toil on the land and their diversification to mulberry trees to grow silk worms and chest trees after drought was very inspiring. The Cevenne also hosted many Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazi regime during WWII. A very hospitable people. This was one of the biggest silk producing areas in France until the 60's when the last mill closed down due to cheaper foreign imports. I love French museums.

The tassels

Chestnut crushers 

Silk workers 

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