Sunday 25 June 2023

Norway Day 23 Sunday June 25th June 2023 Larvik Norway to Hirtshals Denmark

 Bidding farewell to Ruth, Christian, Sigve and Sverre this morning , we made our way to Sandeford where we found a double parking space in a crowded public  car park and hoped no one would squeeze in next to us whilst we went for a quick sea swim ; we swam around the 3  main yellow buoys and back to the ladder jetty , it was a very hot day.

We found two cars waiting for our spaces  on our return.

We caught the Color Line  ferry at Larvik at 5.30 pm , we had time for a stroll along the sea front before we checked in

The beaches were very crowded with families and children 

Early morning walk around the locality before setting off 

Walked along the front at  Larvik before boarding the ferry
Norwegians love vintage American cars 😊
What an interesting slide in the playpark 

They used this contraption to haul whales ashore here ....

The industrial plant in the background  makes for a surreal backdrop 
On the ferry looking back to Larvik 
Sunbathing most of the way back 3.75 hours 
A smooth crossing 
Children purchased bags of minipackets of Oreos in the onboard shop.
A children's entertainer sang   in the forward bar  

Arrived back at Hirtshals campsite at 10 pm ,  we were very tired and slept well

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