Sunday 18 June 2023

Norway Day 16: Sunday 18 June 2023


Curvy look out point 
Look out point between Dombas and Eleverum 
The moose / elk look out point where we wild camped, up from Dombas
Parked by the Kings highway which crosses Norway from East to West. It is a hiking and cycle path but I got cold feet about trying it out so we moved on.Sunday driving is very quiet in Norway 

A long day driving, down Folldal and Atnadal, followed by a navigational error which took us to the wrong lake - Storsjoen. Having realised the error we headed for what promised to be a better camp site and beach at Osensjoen. This involved driving the length of Storsjoen (30k) on a poor road. The weather had been damp on and off all day and when we reached the camp site we found the air was thick with mozzies, and the worker on the site really tried to discourage us from staying. We agreed, and headed off, to eventually arrive in Elverum, where the rain continued for a while, but the mozzies were absent. 

We camped right by the river.

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