Thursday 16 September 2021

Thursday 16 Sept el campo Playa Espanol / Las Molinos nr Zamora

 A day of driving to escape the torrential rain bucketing down on the apple orchard we camped in, beautiful surfing cove with an ultra cool restaurant tucked away near the beach.The green scenery is stunning , clean toilets and mixer taps on showers , a delight. 3 hour drive south  on the motor way to Zamora where we parked up overnight in Las Molinos which had its own swimming area marked out in the River Tera .Everything virtually closed up for the season , Spanish speaking staff .A delight to have the large swimming area to ourselves , to dry out our dampness and enjoy sunshine and some warmth 900 m up , there was a pony in a small enclosure at the end of the campsite  which worried me , he had hay , his coat was in good condition but he looked dejected , no RSPCA in Spain local police report , v few voluntary sanctuaries for horses and Police are reluctant to pursue,no where to place them  , left feeling uncertain what to do , my Spanish is limited these days . V quiet campsite . Lots of flies .Wolf spotting tours  offered an hour away but A not as intrigued by the idea as I was by the idea 

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