Friday 24 September 2021

Friday 24 Sept 2021 Aveiro and Sao Pedro de Moel.

Canal suspension bridge with an interesting circular design

Sensibly, the young people of Aveiro have replaced love locks on the bridge with ribbons. Much safer engineering wise, and as the guide said, easier to get off in the event of a divorce!

Left Costa Nova at 10.30 am and drove 10 mins to Aveiro where high grade salt was the main trade . Parked up for free under the motorway flyover along with a range of MH and some more permanent looking vehicles and walked into the attractive town of Aveiro. It had three canals and a lagoon and we took a 45 minute trip on the canal (with an English speaking  guide) on one of the salt pan boats , now brightly painted, with distinctive bow and stern poles. 

We wondered around the old town and visited a pastelaria for our first ovos molos , shaped like a fish or a shell  with a  soft  almonds and sweetened egg yolks  centre. The piece-de-resistance was a pasteis de nata, flaky pastry cases filled with creamy baked egg custard , absolutely delicious . 

We drove on to Orbitur campsite at Sao Pedro de Moel a few minutes walk from the beach with great sunsets and a huge swimming pool which to our delight was open for a few more days 

Great beach bar in Sao Pedro for sunset watching

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