Monday 17 October 2016

Day 34

Day 34 Decided to make the most of the sunny weather today ( rain forecast for rest of the week) and do some foot slogging sight seeing around Valencia in 29c heat. Very productive day .We also decided to take more time travelling back across inland Spain to the ferry and changed our booking from this Thursday coming to Wednesday week,Santander to Plymouth Started off visiting the silk exchange , the covered market , a church nearby , caught the bus to the city of Science and Arts, decided not to fork out 36€ each to visit the aquarium, iMax theatre and science museum.(Arts museums are all closed on Monday in Spain) We walked through the city park marvelling at the architecture, it felt like being on the film set for Logan's run Walked along the green belt /landscaped park /gardens running right through the centre of the city , like a pair of green lungs and re-entered the old city via the old city castle towers (Torres de Seranos) Panted up 207 steep spiral stairs of the Valencia cathedral bell tower 5 metres high for heat hazed views of the city , impressed by the OTT Gothic style cathedral. Back at camp site for 7, delicious veggie burger with English mustard (bliss) and found some sugar free biscuits in supermercado resembling light rich tea biscuits, so v happy bunny tonight .Mosquitos are out and about despite our citronella tea lights .

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