Monday 3 October 2016

Day 19

Into the Pyrenees. Long  drive into the mountains today, first up a  very frightening and hair raising col leading to the Col de Portelet, not for the faint hearted , due to vertiginous drops , narrow roads , hair pin bends .Only the foolhardy would consider  taking  a campervan up there  . Lesson learned, plan your route carefully and don't put all your trust in the Sat Nav. However, we  eventually  arrived safely down the other side and drove to   a closed ski resort ( Artouste Fabreges ) 1000 metres up for a sunny break. Went through Leruns where the annual cheese festival was in full swing( too crowded to find a parking space ) and  camped for the night  in the centre of Pau, capital city of region in an Aire in a  surprisingly quiet large main square ( under renovation )

1 comment:

  1. If you've not been before it's well worth visiting the Cirque of Gavarnie south of Pau. Huge rock walls, waterfall etc.
