Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday 12th May 2024 Gouville Sur Mer

We drove for 30 mins down the coast and parked up at Gouville  sea front aire 13€ per night. It is known for its mussel farming beds , attractive beach huts and long sandy  beaches . We went for a quick swim whilst the tide was in. 

We met  up with friends Anne and Mike for coffee  at the Boa beach  cafe ; they  moved  here just before Brexit with their dogs Jack and Molly. We took the labradors for a walk on the Belle Etoile beach, popular with swimmers. We had delicious burgers from the Spot beach shack and  bid adieu to our friends, we came back to the van to sit and rest, gazing out to sea on a sunny/ foggy afternoon.

We walked a 5 K loop along the beach past the mussel beds and back through the sand dunes beside  the  long line of  cabins with brightly coloured rooves.

We watched the sun set from our seats.

Hundreds of mussel beds  strung out along the coast.

Tractors collect the farmed mussel bags when the mussels are fully matured 

Wonder how much they cost here?

Good exercise walking up and down the dunes 


  1. Are these aires you're staying on all Camping Car Parks? I get the impression this company is taking over former municipal Aires and charging vans to stay.

  2. Saint Germain looked like a new aire set up by CCP, but Gouville is not. Local council provided? Electricity didn't work at any of the terminals.

    Generally, I find the CCP Aires convenient and well designed Roger even though they are on the expensive side.
