Thursday 6 September 2018

France / Spain Sept/Oct 2018

Arrived at Portsmouth, a prosperous smart Naval base at 6.30pm and went for a walk along the prom on a mild sunny evening up along one of the piers which had an upmarket fish and chip restaurant with chandeliers ! (Chain called Deep Blue) Found Guns wharf by following a walk signposted around the wharves by chain mail patterned flag stones( v nautical ) , had a tasty pizza, gazed on Spinnaker tower , 300 feet high and Portsmouth's number one tourist attraction and caught a late showing of Spike Lee's latest film BlackK Klansman , recommended Made our way to the ferry terminal and parked up for a few hours sleep til our early morning call for boarding tomorrow


  1. Have a good trip and keep up the blogging!

  2. Enjoy...You are very witty..(😀💝)

  3. Thanks Roger , for some reason ,the dates of the entries are a day behind the description itself , might be me , might be the site
