Wednesday 29 March 2023

Ireland Day 2 Wed 29 th March 2023 Dublin

Temple bar area  of Dublin  . James Joyce mural. Dropped off  near here by the  69 bus (2.60€ each , exact money needed 😲)  after a 40 min bus ride into the City centre from Camac Valley campsite
Temple bar streets in the pouring  rain.Shelteted in the cafe at the Irish Film Institute. Our light lunch was delicious 

  Booked a 1.00 pm slot at Trinity College to see the Four gospels  (according to Matthew, Mark,  Luke , John ) written by monks in 800 AD on Iona off the W Coast Scotland ; the  monks smuggled the Four Kells across to Meath in S Ireland after  Vikings  massacred 64  Ionian monks and the book was gifted to Trinity College in 1562 .Situated in the Fagel library .

The Long room library 

Long rows of male philosophers Greek British etc ,Two busts of women , Ada Lovelace and Augusta George 

Ada Lovelace 

The oldest harp in Ireland , with brass strings (used as the logo for Guinness! )

The Irish declaration of Independence read out  in  1916 , only 50 of these  posters  in existence , readers sentenced to death afterwards 

I love these spiral  wrought -iron staircases 

Books in the long room  are gradually and systematically  being decanted,vacuum sealed and renovated, they are about 25% through the library.

Jorge Luis Borges said  ' I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library '

'Spheres within  spheres' a sculpture in one of Trinity college's many spacious  quadrangles 

Rested for a while in the Rose garden in front of the museum.The sun came out and stayed out for most  of the afternoon 

We walked over the Liffey in search of refreshment,   near to the bus stop back to the campsite 

And found it in J Mahons craft  brewery


Stunningly beautiful stained glass decoration on the ground floor level ;  this pub has four floors , nightly live music  on the third floor, good food and brews its own Guinness ...

Caught the 5 pm  69 bus back to Camac Valley Campsite , and walked for an hour around the Corkagh 300 acre park situated next to the campsite , after dinner.

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