Sunday 29 September 2019

Day 11 Sunday 29 Sept Venezia

Day 11 Sunday 29 Sept

 Feeling better today , more energy.  Washed clothes in the morning , beach and swim in the afternoon 24 C and sunny bike ride around the grids , we bought 2 day tickets for vaporettis tomorrow at Punte Sabbione ,  I  hope  to introduce Andy to the  Grand canal and the backstreets of Venezia tomorrow, hopefully the weekend crowds will have diminished.   Friendly couple and their dog Beppo from Stuttgart, and the first English speaking couple we have encountered in Italy, hailing  from Scotland, hardy hikers,  on their way back from Corsica; both couples  staying on our camp site.  We really like it here , the owner Stefania from S Tyrol  speaks English , is v helpful ,runs the farm and does breakfasts she  is delightful , what a tour de force ! Need more repellent tonight and a mozzie plug , we lit the citronella candle and a mozzie coil ,no stopping at small stations in our effort to avoid bites,   but a slight breeze gives us hope.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great but a pity about the mosquitos, Andy is a magnet for biting insects, maybe you could ask him to sleep outside so that he doesn't bring them into the van?? Only joking...! Chilly and grey here in Norway, snow on the major roads through the mountains requiring wintertyres, I think you made the right decision going south!
