Sunday 14 October 2018

Sunday 14 Oct Comillas to Santander

Sunday 14 October

A disturbed night due to high winds and heavy rain from cyclone Leslie (sweeping the Iberian peninsula overnight) we packed up and made our way via the coast road heading for Santander, the ferry port.We stopped off at Comillas so that Andy could see Gaudi's El Capricho building for himself, it was Sunday , a public holiday weekend and very crowded with Spanish coach tourists , but beautiful none the less . We drove through Santillana del Mar said to contain three lies, it's not by the sea, there is no Saint linked to the town, and llana which means plain is incorrect as it is on a hill .... We arrived in Santander at 5 pm, in good time to walk up and down the very steep hills surrounding Santander harbour (with the help of moving staircase escalators and lifts) to reach and walk around the brand new contemporary art museum for 2 hours .It was opened in June 2018 and can be found next to the Marina; Centro Botin looks like the Debenhams shopping store complex in Bham city centre, and the Sage Centre, Gateshead as it looks like a spaceship, and is covered in circular shiny metallic discs) (8€ to get in,€5 concessions) Cristiana Iglesias' massive iron structures were very impressive and Tacita Dean's video based on JG Ballard's short stories was mesmerising. A pizza and to bed in the quiet free Aire with services based on the University complex (15 places and full ) 35 mins walk from Santander harbour.

Centro Botin
El Capricho  - upstairs in the servants' room
El Capricho

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