Wednesday 26 April 2017

Sunday 23rd April 2017 69 miles travelled

Cycle ride around Loch Morlich first thing
Coffee at Glenmore view cafe
Shopping in Aviemore , long socks , warm gloves and groceries  purchased , warned by assistant that the ' lambing storms ' are starting tomorrow , (more predictable re  snowy wintry weather than at Xmas)
Black Isles tour commenced , going back in time ....
Conachry point visited , where the biggest herd of  bottle nose dolphins can be found playing in the Moray  Firth   (most  loyal dolphins are called jig saw and rhubarb ) v windy blustery cold ,long queue for the sole ice cream van on a Sunday afternoon ...
Camped at N Sutor headland start of the  Hugh Miller ( archeologist botanist artist architect , general renaissance bloke ) trail ,we walked 1.75 miles down hill along coast and  into Cromarty
Brilliant  late afternoon sunshine
Drinks in Cromarty inn, with subdued looking  bar person ...
Back up hillside enjoying  fab views of Cromarty Firth and the  oil rigs ( 6 in total )
TV reception poor on headland  , wild winds , caught just  half of ' line of duty'  and watched game of thrones ( great sets, but clunky dialogue and slow pace , not to mention type casting of both men and women )

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